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Types of Anxiety Therapy

Psychiatric medications, psychotherapy or talk therapy, and complementary therapies — such as stress management techniques, exercise and meditation — are commonly used to treat anxiety disorders. These treatments can be used alone or in combination. While they won't cure the disorder, these therapies are proven to significantly reduce anxiety symptoms.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a type of talk therapy, is considered the most effective treatment for anxiety disorders. CBT teaches patients to learn different ways of thinking, reacting and behaving to help them feel less anxious. It can also teach patients to face their fears and build confidence. Medications, such as anti-anxiety drugs and antidepressants, can be prescribed for short periods of time to relieve anxiety. Other medications, such as sedatives or beta blockers, may be used to control physical symptoms of anxiety. Vagus nerve stimulation is a less conventional, but highly effective, add-on treatment for certain anxiety disorders. Click here for more details on the different types of anxiety therapy.

The type of anxiety therapy you receive will depend on your particular diagnosis and symptoms. Some types of therapy, such as exposure therapy and a form of CBT called cognitive reframing, have been shown to be very effective in helping people conquer their anxieties. Exposure therapy involves gradually exposing a person to the things they fear. It usually begins with the least threatening situation and moves to more feared situations over time, such as flying or seeing a large spider. During the process, the patient uses relaxation skills and coping statements to cope with the experience. After the person has experienced the feared situation, they usually find that it wasn't as bad as they thought it would be.

Another type of therapy is a technique called mindfulness, in which the therapist teaches the client to be fully aware of their emotions and to be willing to accept them. They might also encourage the client to practice a relaxing activity, such as deep breathing or visualizing a peaceful place. In some cases, the therapist will instruct the client in how to perform these activities on their own between in-person sessions. View here: for more info on the best anxiety therapy services.

One of the most challenging tasks in overcoming anxiety is identifying the irrational, scary thoughts that cause the disorder. For example, shaking someone's hand can seem life-threatening to a person with a germ phobia. The therapist might teach the client how to challenge negative, anxiety-provoking thoughts by asking questions, analyzing unhelpful beliefs and weighing the pros and cons of a given situation.

Other types of anxiety therapy include a coping skills workshop, where the therapist teaches the client to identify their irrational thoughts and come up with realistic, calming replacements. They might also teach the client a variety of relaxation techniques that they can practice at home, such as progressive muscle relaxation and deep breathing. In some cases, the therapist might recommend that the client join an anxiety support group, either in-person or online, to get more information and share their experiences with others. For better understanding of this topic, please click here:

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